I started a series of oil pastel drawings, most of them 18" x 24" to make it easier to frame them. So far most of them have cooperated and were willing to be that format. The business next door has finished its remodeling and is now an upscale restaurant (Pogreba Restaurant). Don and I went over to have our complimentary meal for being good neighbors. The construction crew have been well fed since they were given the opportunity to try out the chef's creations.
There was a tornado in the southside of La Crosse last month. It tore up a few blocks pretty good.
Wisconsin Landscape II, 13" x 26", oil pastelYellow Asian Lily, 18"x 24", oil pastel
Marsh Footpath, 18" x 24", oil pastel
Marsh Foot bridge, 18" x 24", oil pastel
Two Wild Roses, 18" x 24", oil pastel
Goldfish & Waterlily, 18" x 24", oil pastel, in progress.
Large Tree by River, 18" x 24", oil pastel